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Andi's ABCs

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FML - Shaun Hutchinson A friend suggested this one after learning of my love for Parallel life books. When I saw it was up on Edelweiss I requested it pretty late and on a whim and was happy to be approved so quickly. Sadly though that is where most of my happiness ended because this book turned out to just be okay. I did enjoy the parallel life part and it was fun to read a parallel story from a guy’s POV, but the rest of it was just okay.

FML is the story of Simon. Simon has been in love with Cassandra Castillo for 3 years, a girl he had the chance to kiss on their one and only date and blew it. Since that fateful night he has pinned over Cassie while she was in a relationship never having the guts to tell her how he felt. But in one night that is about to change. On the last party of the year Simon decides he is going to tell the newly single Cassie how he feels and get that kiss he has been wanting for 3 long years. But like everything else in Simon’s life it doesn’t go quite as planned. He has two different paths he could take to get to the girl he is in love with and two different chances to change the course of his life.

First let me start by saying that the best part of his book was the Can’t Hardly Wait feel to it. I seriously love that movie and everything it stands for, so to get that vibe right from the start immediately made me like this book more then I probably would have. Because I have to face facts, Simon was whiny, Cassie was kind of rude, and Simon’s friends drove me a little batty at times. I also found a lot of the plot and side stories to be really unrealistic and farfetched. But with that said I will admit to finding it entertaining. I also found some of Simon’s dialogue funny so that aided to the reading process.

Really though FML was a bit of a stretch for me. It was a quick read and not painful to read to the point that I was rolling my eyes. I just didn’t find it 100% on the believable factor and even the Can’t Hardly Wait connection couldn’t help me like this one more. In the end it was what I said at the beginning of this review, just an okay book.